Protecting Our Business And Customers: The Importance Of Cyber Essentials Accreditation

As an innovative robotics company, Hutech Robotics Ltd. has always prioritised the security of our network and IT systems. 

We understand the crucial role of cybersecurity in protecting our data, reputation, and most importantly, our customer’s privacy.

That’s why we are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Cyber Essentials Certificate, a government-backed scheme designed to help organisations defend against common online threats.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber EssentialsIn today’s digital age, cyber attacks are increasing at an alarming rate, targeting businesses of all sizes and sectors and the consequences of a successful cyber attack can be devastating, leading to data loss, business downtime, and reputational damage. 

By achieving the Cyber Essentials accreditation, we have taken essential steps to ensure that our systems and data are safeguarded against these threats. 

But what exactly are the benefits of Cyber Essentials accreditation for our business and our customers? 

Let’s take a closer look…

  • Stronger defence against cyber attacks: 

The Cyber Essentials accreditation requires us to implement five essential security controls that help us to protect our network and systems against common cyber attacks. 

These controls include boundary firewalls, secure configuration, user access control, malware protection, and patch management. 

By implementing these controls, we are better equipped to detect and prevent cyber attacks, minimising the risk of a successful breach.

  • Enhanced customer confidence: 

As a robotics company, we handle sensitive information from our clients and partners, such as intellectual property, trade secrets, and confidential data. 

The Cyber Essentials accreditation assures our customers that we take cybersecurity seriously and have measures in place to protect their data. 

This enhances customer confidence, strengthens relationships, and ultimately drives business growth.

  • Improved supply chain security: 

We collaborate with multiple partners, vendors, and clients and the Cyber Essentials accreditation ensures that our cybersecurity standards align with theirs. 

This means that we can maintain secure communication, protect shared data, and reduce the risk of a supply chain cyber attack.

  • Competitive advantage: 

Achieving the Cyber Essentials accreditation gives us a competitive advantage in the market. 

It demonstrates our commitment to cybersecurity and sets us apart from other businesses that may not have taken similar measures to protect their network and data.

  • Reduced insurance premiums: 

Many insurance companies offer reduced premiums for businesses that have achieved the Cyber Essentials accreditation. 

This is because the accreditation demonstrates that we have implemented effective cybersecurity measures, reducing the likelihood of a successful cyber attack.

In conclusion… 

The Cyber Essentials accreditation is an essential tool in the fight against cyber attacks. 

It helps businesses of all sizes and sectors to protect their network and data, enhance customer confidence, improve supply chain security, gain a competitive advantage, and even reduce insurance premiums. 

At Hutech Robotics Ltd., we are proud to have achieved this accreditation, and we will continue to prioritise cybersecurity to keep our systems and data safe.

If you would like to know more about our Robot Servers and how they might work to benefit your hospitality or associated business, send us a LinkedIn message and we can arrange a demo or trial. Or email

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